Teaching and Research


The Langdon Hills Medical Centre is proud to be involved in the training of junior doctors and Students whom you may see at the Centre from time to time.  We regularly take under our wings qualified doctors including GP Registrars and FY2 Doctors as well as nurses so they can learn about general practice in the community.

If they are ‘sitting in’ with a doctor or nurse, you will be asked for your consent to them being in the room.

Occasionally we may also video a consultation for training purposes only.

You will always be advised of this when you report to the reception desk prior to your appointment at which time you will be asked for your permission for this to take place.

If you prefer to see the doctor or nurse alone, we do understand fully.

Please do not hesitate to let us know.

a close up of a box
a man sitting at a table


Sometimes the centre takes part in research – some of which is carried out on site by the staff. On other occasions, the research is done in collaboration with Researchers from elsewhere.

Whilst you may be asked to participate in research, you are also entirely free to refuse to do so.

This will in no way affect the medical care offered to you by the centre.